Corruption and bribery in Nigeria

Impact and panacea

  • Gordon Joseph Onogwu Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu
  • Mirian Wilfred Great Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu
  • Leonard U. Ngwu Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu
Keywords: Bribery, corruption, instability, repercussion and unethical


Corruption and bribery in Nigeria is a major problem and the purpose of these study is to unravel the circumstances that leads to that. In this study statistical method is used to describe bribery and corruption in Nigeria. Finding reveals that corruption and bribery leads to political instability and the recommendation is that citizens must be accurately informed of the negative repercussion through mass enlightenment campaign. Bribery and corruption impedes economic growth, weakens the rule of law and undermines the legitimacy of institutions. Bribery and Corruption are negations of the true principles of public life. It is a conscious inducement for an after favor, and thus, violates the principles of public life. The consequences of unethical practices and corruption on any nation building do not only destroy personal virtue and social values, but as well retard development, weaken social institutions, pervert justices, and thus responsible for economic recession and un-purposeful leader as the nation continue to journey without will. Lawyers have not overlooked the social dangers caused by corruption and bribery. On the contrary, they may have been impressed with extra-legal viewpoints to the detriment of clear legal thought. Lawyers often assume that in the extra-legal fields more progress as to guiding ideas and systematization has already been achieved, than in their own field. In fact, much of our extra-legal knowledge of the ethics, etc. of bribery is still in the state of common sense-philosophy, which is a hybrid neither common sense nor philosophy, and which compares neither with the direct life-experience of the plain man nor the systematic thought of the true patriot.

Author Biographies

Gordon Joseph Onogwu, Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Mirian Wilfred Great, Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Leonard U. Ngwu, Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

How to Cite
Onogwu, G. J., Great, M. W., & Ngwu, L. U. (2023). Corruption and bribery in Nigeria. ESUT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, 7(2). Retrieved from